Some Ideas about Green Plumbing
In today’s age of decreasing water supplies, increasingly tough water
restrictions in many areas of Memphis are forcing people to take a look at their
water usage within the home. Even if your area doesn’t currently have water
restrictions, water is a valuable commodity that shouldn’t be wasted. By taking
a look at your existing plumbing and seeing where you can improve, you can save
water, money and the environment.
Why Go Green?
There are many advantages to green plumbing – the main ones being that it
saves water and money. Green plumbing can encompass:
rain water harvesting
toilets and washing machines that use rainwater
grey water treatment systems
sewage treatment systems and septic tanks
water saving devices such as pressure reducing valves
and 6/3 dual flush toilet systems
solar hot water
If you choose to use green plumbing components within your Memphis area home,
then you may get rebates from your state or federal government. You will also
reduce your water and energy bills and may even improve the resale value of your
By taking advantage of green plumbing systems such as water heaters, you will
also free yourself from the tough water restrictions that are being imposed in
many areas of Memphis area, and you can maintain your lawn and garden using the
rainwater collected on your property.
Solar Hot Water Systems
Hot water systems can use a lot of energy within the home. Switching to a
solar hot water system can save electricity. There is no need to be worried
about running out of hot water as solar hot water systems generally store more
hot water than conventional systems do. If you get a few rainy or cloudy days,
you will still get hot water as the thermostat will turn the booster on to heat
the water to the required temperature.
Talking to a professional plumbing contractor will help you decide which
solar hot water system is right for you. Things to consider include how many
people will be using it, when you take your showers (morning or night), what
rebates you may get from the local or state government, and the condition of
your existing hot water system and plumbing. Many electric hot water heaters can
be retrofitted with solar panels.
Water Tanks
Water tanks are a great way of saving water in the home. Whether you use it
for outdoor purposes only or connect it to the toilet or washing machine, you
should talk to a professional to ensure that the tank will meet your
requirements. Tanks may be installed when renovating or building your home or
alternatively they can be retrofitted, although retrofitting can make the
plumbing costs more expensive, especially if you are connecting to internal
There are a few things to remember when installing a water tank. Firstly, it
needs to operate separately from the mains water supply and, if it cannot, you
will need an air gap between the tank and the water supply, to ensure that there
is no backflow. A plumber will be able to help you in this regard. The tank also
needs to be connected to a drainage system so that any overflow can be removed.
Also, any plumbing that is associated with the installation and maintenance of
the tank must be done by a licensed plumber.
Water tanks may be made of polyethylene, metal, concrete or fibreglass and
can be placed above or below ground depending on your requirements. Rainwater
tanks are also not subject to water restrictions unless they are topped up by
mains water.
If you are looking for a Memphis area plumber, please call us today at 901-861-0277 or complete our online request form.